Friday, September 10, 2010


We love to watch movies at our house. Ben and I went to the theatre all the time before Abram was born, but now we are Redbox fans. Ben and I watched "Killers" this week, with Katherine Heigl and Ashton Kutcher. I loved it. I really like a movie that has a little suspense, comedy and a little love angle to it. It was perfect. Ben liked it too, but not as much as I did. The movie got horrible reviews, only like two stars, but we have found the less the stars, the more we like it. Movies are a great way for me to relax. Check out of reality for a little while...escape.

Abram is totally in to Wall E right now. It is a Disney movie. So you really can't go wrong there. Ben found it really cheap on Ebay. And turns out he is nuts about that little robot. It is pretty cute. We have been talking like robots for weeks. It's so funny to me how ridicules we act just to get a smile out of Abram. He makes us smile and laugh all the time lately. Like, when we were watching Wall E, there is a part where Wall E shakes the Captain's hand...dirt falls off Wall E into the Captain's hand. The Captain says, "Have Wall E cleaned..." Abram turned to me and said, "Poop" It is so funny to hear him start to verbalize his thoughts. I love, love, love it.


  1. Wow great posted pic of Wall-E..........
    Great posting keep postings good information.......
    Thanks for share.....
    Telugu Movies
