I have to be honest, before Abram was born I vowed to use cheap diapers to save money. Of course we got diapers as baby gifts, thankfully. And I really got to see how wonderful name brand diapers were! They kept him dryer and held up a lot better. I fell in love with Huggies. A lot of my friends like Pampers better, but I am all about the Huggies.
So, I thought if I am going to pay more for better diapers, I am going to try to save on them every way I can. I started by signing up on their mailing list, they send me coupons about every other month. (You can do that online by going to huggies.com) Huggies also gives you a box top on every pack of diapers. Since I don't have school aged children, I clip them and give them to a friend and she gives me Huggies coupons in exchange when she finds them in the paper. Then I googled printable coupons for Huggies diapers and found lots of coupons online. I never buy a pack of diapers with out a coupon. I noticed that every once in a while they would put out a $3 off coupon, which is out of the ordinary. So when I find those, I buy several packs until they expire.
Then I noticed Huggies was advertising a new rewards program and I jumped on it. You can find it at enjoytheriderewards.com, it's awesome. You set up a profile and earn points by watching videos, answering polls and of course by buying their products. I have already won a $25.00 gift card to Disney, which we used on our vaca. And today I won a free pack of diapers! So, that is how I save a little money! And for your viewing pleasure, here is my little man sporting his Peyton Manning jersey and his Huggies diaper (He is about 8 months in this picture:)
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