Saturday, July 17, 2010

saving money one yard sale at a time...

Last weekend was a bargain weekend. We went to some yard sales and found some GREAT stuff! I have been looking for Abram a play kitchen, but I didn't want to pay $150 for a new one, and the cheapest I could find was $40 for a used one. Ben made me promise not to buy a girly had to be boyish. Well, the first yard sale we went to there it was (cue the angels singing) A brown kitchen! And she only wanted 10 dollars for it! I acted composed and so did Ben, and he asked her if she would take 8, and she took it!!! Then at another yard sale we found a little cash register and food, wait for it...for 50 cents:) Yippee! Here is a picture of the loot! He also got a spider man for $1. Score.

Abram love, love, loves his kitchen. We cleaned everything, of course, and then I found a basket of food at Wal-Mart the next day for $4. He has been cooking everything for me and his Dada. The plastic grapes are very tasty.

Then, we finally decided to hang our TV. It is one of those things that we had been putting off because of the expense. Well, Ben's parents had watched a special on Dateline about how children were pulling TVs on top of them. So, that did it. We had to get it hung ASAP. Ben checked at Wal-Mart for all the goods, longer cords and a mount, for everything it was going to be $250. He tried Essex, an overstock store in town, and found all the stuff for $88 after tax! We were so pleased to have saved over $160, and the TV looks a lot better hung on the wall. All of this was accomplished on a Saturday :)

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