Monday, July 26, 2010

painting the kitchen cabinets...

I have never been crazy about our kitchen cabinets. There is nothing wrong with them, just not what I wanted. When we first moved in the hardware that was on them was gold, and I knew I wanted that changed soon, so we bought new hardware and that has satisfied me for a while. These are the cabinets with new hardware, at Abram's 1st birthday party.

Sorry, not the greatest before picture, but you get the idea. Just plain, run of the mill cabinets in any speck house. Well, I knew that I was not going to pay thousands for new cabinets, so I started looking for DIY info on painting them. The young house love blog has a "how to" tab on their site. We did exactly what they recommended, and I am very pleased with the out come. It was a lot of work! Ben was ready to throw out the cabinets by the end of it, but now he agrees that it was worth it. I really have to give him credit, he did 90% of the work. He did an amazing job. Check it out.

I am really pleased with them. It looks so much bigger and open. It looks clean and fresh. Now I get to redecorate it :) Or should I say decorate it...since I didn't like the cabinets before I never could get inspired to do anything with the kitchen, but now I have all kind of ideas. Thank you to my hubby for working his tail off! And thank you Tonya for telling me about young house love. I am addicted. If you are interested in house projects and decorating young house love is a great blog to visit. I have a link on the side of my blog, check it out.

1 comment:

  1. i think i'm addicted to telling people about that blog. it's just too fabulous and you are welcome.
